Delegation of foreigners

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Legal job as a butcher in Scandinavia – the outdoor set
5 November 2019
Legal job as a butcher in Scandinavia - the outdoor set.  We are glad to inform you about the opening of the recruitment for a legal job as a butcher in Scandinavia. It is organized according to the delegation scheme. Vacancies for work in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland already open. Work as a butcher, namely in role cutting of meat. Offer for qualified butchers only.
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Delegation of foreigners to France
2 January 2019
Delegation of foreigners to France. The French government is trying to introduce more stringent regulation for employers delegating employees. In addition to the mandatory minimum wage, which is strictly controlled. There are additional manifestations of increased administrative and fiscal responsibilities in enterprises delegating employees.
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Vander Elst visa or work in Germany and the EU through Poland
16 August 2018
Vander Elst visa or work in Germany and the EU through Poland. Some Polish employers send their best employees abroad. From a side of employee, this is an extra income from his work. However, you cannot just go only by wishing it. This opportunity gives only a Van der Elst visa. You will learn where and how you can open a vander Elst visa, as well as all requirements and concerns. And all of these in you will know from this article.
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