
References WORKSOL

WORKSOL is an agency and outsourcing company specializing in providing comprehensive solutions in the international and domestic job placement sector. We are a 100% Polish company with 10 years of experience. We recruit and hire workers from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. We specialize in providing personnel to the metal, production and construction industries.

Find out which leading entrepreneurs choose our company:

In the last year alone, we employed over 3,000 qualified employees for over 200 of our clients. Our largest Business Partners are, among others such companies as ARCELOR-MITTAL Huta Katowice, BUDIMEX, MC DONALD’S, DRAGADOS, EUROPOLES, STIEGELMEYER or the largest companies from the furniture industry in Poland, such as the furniture factories Wersal, Benix, MIRJAN, Stolarz Lempert … Below we present references from some companies with whom we cooperate:

WORKSOL references – download

We hope that the wide reference list will contribute to your decision to start cooperation with our company.

Yours sincerely:

Michał Solecki

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