Job offers

23,00 PLN per hour

PLN 4000 - 10000

USD 1018 - 2545

UAH 36364 - 90909

EUR 928 - 2320

Furniture upholstery
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a very modern workplace, employing over 1,000 people. It carries out its production in newly built production…

23,00 PLN per hour

PLN 4000 - 10000 monthly

USD 1018 - 2545 monthly

UAH 36364 - 90909 monthly

EUR 928 - 2320 monthly

23,00 PLN per hour

PLN 4000 - 8000

USD 1018 - 2036

UAH 36364 - 72727

EUR 928 - 1856

Machine seamstress
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a very modern workplace, employing over 1,000 people. It carries out its production in newly built production…

23,00 PLN per hour

PLN 4000 - 8000 monthly

USD 1018 - 2036 monthly

UAH 36364 - 72727 monthly

EUR 928 - 1856 monthly

23,00 PLN per hour

PLN 4000 - 8000

USD 1018 - 2036

UAH 36364 - 72727

EUR 928 - 1856

Fitter of furniture frames
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a very modern workplace, employing over 1,000 people. It carries out its production in newly built production…

23,00 PLN per hour

PLN 4000 - 8000 monthly

USD 1018 - 2036 monthly

UAH 36364 - 72727 monthly

EUR 928 - 1856 monthly

35,00 PLN per hour

PLN 6300 - 8750

USD 1603 - 2226

UAH 57273 - 79545

EUR 1462 - 2030

MIG/MAG/TIG 135/136/141 welder
WORKSOL Group is a company operating in the HR industry since 2009. We provide personnel to leading companies in Poland or perform work for them as a subcontractor. This time we are pleased to present…

35,00 PLN per hour

PLN 6300 - 8750 monthly

USD 1603 - 2226 monthly

UAH 57273 - 79545 monthly

EUR 1462 - 2030 monthly

33,5 PLN per hour

PLN 6030 - 7370

USD 1534 - 1875

UAH 54818 - 67000

EUR 1399 - 1710

Welder MAG 135 FW BW
WORKSOL Group is a company operating in the HR industry since 2009. We provide staff to leading companies in Poland or perform work for them as a subcontractor. This time we are pleased to present…

33,5 PLN per hour

PLN 6030 - 7370 monthly

USD 1534 - 1875 monthly

UAH 54818 - 67000 monthly

EUR 1399 - 1710 monthly

27 PLN per hour

PLN 4860 - 5940

USD 1237 - 1511

UAH 44182 - 54000

EUR 1128 - 1378

Robotnik magazynowy
przyjmowanie towarów do magazynu; prowadzenie załadunku towarów na samochody lub inne środki transportu; prowadzenie rozładunku i układanie towaru w magazynie; transportowanie i przemieszczenie towarów wewnątrz magazynu; przestrzeganie zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz stosowanie przepisów…

27 PLN per hour

PLN 4860 - 5940 monthly

USD 1237 - 1511 monthly

UAH 44182 - 54000 monthly

EUR 1128 - 1378 monthly

37,00 PLN per hour

PLN 6660 - 8140

USD 1695 - 2071

UAH 60545 - 74000

EUR 1545 - 1889

MIG/MAG 135/136 welder
WORKSOL Group is a company operating in the HR industry since 2009. We provide staff to leading companies in Poland or we carry out work for them as a subcontractor. This time we are pleased…

37,00 PLN per hour

PLN 6660 - 8140 monthly

USD 1695 - 2071 monthly

UAH 60545 - 74000 monthly

EUR 1545 - 1889 monthly

33,5 PLN per hour

PLN 6030 - 7370

USD 1534 - 1875

UAH 54818 - 67000

EUR 1399 - 1710

MIG/MAG/TIG welder
WORKSOL Group is a company operating in the HR industry since 2009. We provide staff to leading companies in Poland or carry out work for them as a subcontractor. This time we are pleased to…

33,5 PLN per hour

PLN 6030 - 7370 monthly

USD 1534 - 1875 monthly

UAH 54818 - 67000 monthly

EUR 1399 - 1710 monthly

30 PLN per hour

PLN 5400 - 6600

USD 1374 - 1679

UAH 49091 - 60000

EUR 1253 - 1531

Fitter of steel structures
WORKSOL Group is a company operating in the HR industry since 2009. We provide staff to leading companies in Poland or carry out work for them as a subcontractor. This time we are pleased to…

30 PLN per hour

PLN 5400 - 6600 monthly

USD 1374 - 1679 monthly

UAH 49091 - 60000 monthly

EUR 1253 - 1531 monthly

26 PLN per hour

PLN 4420 - 5720

USD 1125 - 1455

UAH 40182 - 52000

EUR 1026 - 1327

MAG 135 ARC welder
Your scope of duties welding using the MAG 135 method welding of black steel bralchy from 2 mm to 8 mm

26 PLN per hour

PLN 4420 - 5720 monthly

USD 1125 - 1455 monthly

UAH 40182 - 52000 monthly

EUR 1026 - 1327 monthly

32,50 PLN per hour

PLN 5850 - 7150

USD 1489 - 1819

UAH 53182 - 65000

EUR 1357 - 1659

Welder 141 TIG
Your scope of duties TIG 141 welding welding of chrome-nickel steel sheets, welding of black steel pipes reading technical drawing and WPS

32,50 PLN per hour

PLN 5850 - 7150 monthly

USD 1489 - 1819 monthly

UAH 53182 - 65000 monthly

EUR 1357 - 1659 monthly

22,00 PLN per hour

PLN 3900 - 7000

USD 992 - 1781

UAH 35455 - 63636

EUR 905 - 1624

furniture factory worker - work for women
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a very modern workplace, employing over 1,500 people. It carries out its production in newly built production…

22,00 PLN per hour

PLN 3900 - 7000 monthly

USD 992 - 1781 monthly

UAH 35455 - 63636 monthly

EUR 905 - 1624 monthly

24,40 PLN per hour

PLN 3900 - 10500

USD 992 - 2672

UAH 35455 - 95455

EUR 905 - 2436

furniture factory worker - job for men
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a very modern workplace, employing over 1,500 people. It carries out its production in newly built production…

24,40 PLN per hour

PLN 3900 - 10500 monthly

USD 992 - 2672 monthly

UAH 35455 - 95455 monthly

EUR 905 - 2436 monthly

29,00 PLN per hour

PLN 5000 - 8000

USD 1272 - 2036

UAH 45455 - 72727

EUR 1160 - 1856

Butcher, beef slaughter and cutting
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a modern, dynamic company, referring to rich traditions dating back to 1991. It has modern facilities and…

29,00 PLN per hour

PLN 5000 - 8000 monthly

USD 1272 - 2036 monthly

UAH 45455 - 72727 monthly

EUR 1160 - 1856 monthly

22,50 PLN per hour

PLN 3960 - 4840

USD 1008 - 1232

UAH 36000 - 44000

EUR 919 - 1123

grinding welded joints using power tools

22,50 PLN per hour

PLN 3960 - 4840 monthly

USD 1008 - 1232 monthly

UAH 36000 - 44000 monthly

EUR 919 - 1123 monthly

29 PLN per hour

PLN 4872 - 5800

USD 1240 - 1476

UAH 44291 - 52727

EUR 1130 - 1346

Spawacz TiG - 141
Twój zakres obowiązków: zaznajamianie się z dokumentacją technologiczną obrabianych przedmiotów, zwłaszcza z rysunkiem wykonawczym, kartą technologiczną i kartkami instrukcyjnymi wykonywanych operacji; obsługa spawarki dobieranie i odpowiedniego drutu spawalniczego ustawianie do pracyspawarek ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na: optymalne…

29 PLN per hour

PLN 4872 - 5800 monthly

USD 1240 - 1476 monthly

UAH 44291 - 52727 monthly

EUR 1130 - 1346 monthly

24,50 PLN per hour

PLN 3700 - 7000

USD 941 - 1781

UAH 33636 - 63636

EUR 858 - 1624

Manual packer
About our client Our client, for whom we are carrying out the order as a responsible subcontractor, is a modern, dynamic company, referring to rich traditions dating back to 1991. It has modern facilities and…

24,50 PLN per hour

PLN 3700 - 7000 monthly

USD 941 - 1781 monthly

UAH 33636 - 63636 monthly

EUR 858 - 1624 monthly

29,00 PLN per hour

PLN 5220 - 6380

USD 1328 - 1623

UAH 47455 - 58000

EUR 1211 - 1480

Spawacz TIG/MAG
Twój zakres obowiązków spawanie metodą TIG 141 spawanie blachy ze stali nierdzewnej czytanie rysunku technicznego

29,00 PLN per hour

PLN 5220 - 6380 monthly

USD 1328 - 1623 monthly

UAH 47455 - 58000 monthly

EUR 1211 - 1480 monthly

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