It will be easier to get TRC and a work permit in Poland

It will be easier to get TRC and a work permit in Poland

20 October 2021

On October 19, yesterday, the Polish Sejm adopted an act changing the procedures for legalizing the stay and work of foreigners in Poland.

Importantly, the new procedures will cover TRC cases that are already pending.

What important changes are coming soon?

  • in accordance with the new regulations, the catalog of circumstances that do not require a change of a temporary residence and work permit will be expanded !!!
  • extension of the period of admissible work on the statement from the Labor Office (oświadczenie) to 24 months !!!
  • resignation from the residence requirement
  • resignation from the requirement to have a stable source of income (residence card)
  • obligation to receive remuneration for an amount not lower than the minimum salary applicable in Poland
  • it will also be easier to apply for the Pole’s Card (Karta Polaka)

A special regulation of a temporary nature is also introduced, providing for a simplified procedure for granting a temporary residence and work permit with regard to proceedings initiated before January 1, 2021, which will be pending on the date of entry into force of the draft act.

So if you submitted your application for TRC in Poland before January 1, 2021, the provisions of this Act also apply to you!

The new provisions of the act are to enter into force 14 days after their publication in the Journal of Laws.

As soon as the act appears in the Journal of Laws, we will inform you about its details and individual provisions.

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